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Daily Updates

Daily Farm Updates

July 27, 2024


Pick your own blueberries are in good supply @$4.49/lb. Currently picking Blue Ray and Blue Jay. Patriot and  Northland will follow.

Pick your own raspberries are in light to fair supply @ $6.29/lb

Pick your own fall strawberries are CLOSED. PICKING AGAIN SATURDAY JULY  27

Pick your own regular & sugar snap peas are in fair to good supply @$3.99/lb

Pick your own green & yellow beans are open in good supply @$3.99/lb

Pick your own sweet corn is open in good supply @ $10/dozen

Pick your own  apples will be ready to pick in late August.

Pick-your-own strawberries and asparagus are finished for the season.

Farm Market:

Ready picked blueberries are good supply at $8.50/L or $30/4L basket.

Our own raspberries are in good supply $4.25/half pint or $48/flat

Our own fall strawberries are now in the market in good supply @ $7/L or $36 per 6L flat.

Our own sweet corn is open in good supply @ $10/dozen

Our own regular & sugar snap peas are in good supply.

Our own freshly dug new potatoes also in good supply.

Our own green and yellow beans are in good supply.

Pickling Cucumbers: Due to the weather we’ve lost our pickling cucumber crop for this year. We’re working hard to source local Ontario pickling cucumbers for our farm market, however we’re finding many other local farms have also experienced crop failure. We are continuing to try and bring in pickling cucumbers – keep checking back.

We also have our own and local honey, preserves, frozen fruit, frozen and home baked pies and homemade frozen meals. We have local Ontario fruit from Niagara, Ontario hot house tomatoes & field tomatoes, peppers & cucumbers, as well as Ontario onions and carrots from the Holland Marsh and local Ontario apples

Thank you for supporting our farm and allowing us to grow your food. 

  -Farmer Morris

Barrie Hill Farms Market June