The Farm Has NOT Been Sold


For many years, people have been telling me that they have heard rumours that the farm has been sold. Now that we’re finally into spring, and as I look forward to a season full of bountiful harvests, I thought it would be appropriate to put those rumours to rest for once and for all. The farm has NOT been sold. It is still 100% owned and operated by the Gervais family. And the farm has in fact expanded a little over the last few years. In 2012, I was fortunate to be able to purchase a neighbouring farm, and it’s on that farm that the new apple orchard was planted. This has enabled us to provide you with a complete season pick your own experience, starting in May with asparagus, and ending in October with pumpkins and apples.

My chosen career, my vocation, is to be a caretaker of the land during the time I have left here on earth. Each spring, I like to take a walk to the very back of the farm – a corner of the farm that is not easily accessible because of hills and ravines. It’s one of my favourite spots. I can remember going on spring walks here with my parents in the early seventies. For some reason, there are still some very large white pine trees remaining here. My guess is they are around 200 years old. They must have been too small to harvest when the area was logged in the mid 1800s. And ever since then, they’ve been left alone, because it would be tough to get them out as logs. What’s the natural life span of a white pine tree? 400-500 years? Well these trees are around halfway there. They are majestic and tall. Almost as big as a few I’ve seen in Algonquin Park. And right here, just outside of Barrie. Wouldn’t it be great if they could escape the developer’s saw and make it to maturity? You and I will never see it. But maybe, just maybe, if I work hard, and you continue to choose local, we can all do our part to give them half a chance.

The entire team at Barrie Hill Farms is here to help you choose great tasting, healthy food and fun farm visits that will “Trump” the imports, while keeping Ontario green for future generations.

With your continued support, my family and I, and the whole team, look forward to caring for this land – the fields and the forests- for many more years to come.

See you soon – won’t be long now and asparagus will be ready,

Farmer Morris

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Barrie Hill Farms

Barrie Hill Farms is a second generation family farm, owned and operated by the Gervais Family, that grows over 200 acres of fruit and vegetables.

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