The sun is shining and the weather is warm, making it a perfect time to come explore the farm market and all the new fruits and vegetables that are in season.
Don’t have time to go out and pick-your-own? The farm market is full of fruits and vegetables picked fresh from our fields. The summer harvest includes strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, sweet corn, peas, beans, potatoes, pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, basil, and zucchini. We also have our own frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and asparagus available in the market freezer.
If we don’t grow it here on the farm we make sure to find a local farm that does. We have locally grown rhubarb, Ontario peaches, plums, concord grapes, beets, carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, and garlic as well as other fruits and vegetables in season.
Interested in pickling? Barrie Hill Farms has everything you need; pickling cucumbers, dill, vinegar, jars and pickling salts.
Along with the fresh produce and plants, the market always has a wide array of local products including butter tarts, milk, eggs, jam, honey, maple syrup, asparagus chips and salsa, sparkling cider, pasta and sauce, salad dressings and much more.
Fresh from our bakery, we have strawberry-rhubarb, apple, blueberry, raspberry, blueberry peach pies and delicious scones featuring the current fruit in harvest.